domenica 9 aprile 2017

♕ The Pokémon Series ~ Espeon ♕
{Eeveelutions Mini Series}

New episode of The Pokémon Series! We're done with the first generation eeveelutions, so it's time to move on to the second generation ones! Gen II introduced two new evolutions, a psychic type and a dark type - and today I'm going to show you Espeon, the psychic eeveelution, along with its inspired look! 

Espeon, the Sun Pokémon.
Type: Psychic 
"Espeon is extremely loyal to any trainer it considers to be worthy. It is said that this Pokémon developed its precognitive powers to protect its trainer from harm."

I wasn't a huge fan of Espeon at first, but now I must admit it is quite cute and adorable! Its fur is short and lilac (thus this is its main colour), with a thin, forked tail, very big ears and tuft of fur underneath. It has purple eyes and a round, red gem right in the centre of its forehead (this red gem is peculiar of the psychic type - although not every Pokémon of this type has it - as it enhances psychic powers).

I designed a very simple look for Espeon that includes all its main characteristics: forked tail, red gem, purple ears, lilac fur and tufts. Speaking of that, I finally had the chance to use a FinisTerre mineral eyeshadow that my big sister sent me... It was just the perfect shade of lilac I needed! (Fairly enough, this shade is named Lilac XD)

After applying a thin layer of eyeprimer, I applied a white eyepencil all over the lid as a base to make the eyeshadow stand out more. With the same pencil, I drew on the inner corner the tuft patter that Espeon has under its ears, while on the outer corner I drew its forked tail. Then I applied the eyeshadows: Lilac Wonder by NABLA Cosmetics on the inner corner area, Lilac by FinisTerre all over the lid and the tail design - I pressed both shadows on the white base for a better result. On the crease I applied a matte mauve shadow (Circle by NABLA), while on the lower lid I applied Lilac again - but this time over a black base, as a little twist. Lastly, I used Narciso as transition shade and Antique White on my brow bone.

I decided to go for a bluish/purple eyeliner this time, to represent Espeon's elongated ears. In the picture I was using as a reference (which is the one I included in the picture above!) its ears looked way more bluish than purple, so I used a pigment in that shade to create the eyeliner (as I always do, just mixing it with some drops of Fix +). On a second thought, though, I wish I used a more purple shade - because, as you can see in the other pictures, Espeon's ears are decisively purple.
At this point I was almost done: I applied a purple eyepencil on my waterline, applied false lashes and mascara... As final touch, I applied a red rhinestone on my inner corner, to represent the gem that Espeon has on its forehead!


Too Faced Shadow Insurance Eye Primer
Neve Cosmetics Pastello Occhi in Piuma/White
Neve Cosmetics Pastello Occhi in Melanzana/Purple
NABLA Cosmetics Eyeshadow in "Lilac Wonder(inner corner)
FinisTerre Mineral Add Eyeshadow in "Lilac(upper and lower lid)
- NABLA Cosmetics Eyeshadow in "Circle(crease)
- NABLA Cosmetics Eyeshadow in "Narciso(transition colour)
- NABLA Cosmetics Eyeshadow in "Antique White" (brow bone)
MWW4U Mineral Eyeshadow n° (used wet as eyeliner*discontinued*
- MAC Kohl Power Eye Pencil in "Feline" (lower lid as base)
- NABLA Cosmetics "Le Film Noir" Mascara
MAC Cosmetics False Eyelashes n° 34
- DUO White Eyelash Adhesive


- MAC Cosmetics Eyebrow in "Strut"


- 239 ~ MAC Cosmetics
- 217 ~ MAC Cosmetics
- 213 ~ MAC Cosmetics
- 224 ~ MAC Cosmetics
- Short Smudge (A13)* ~ Spectrum Collections (Marbleous Set)
- Tall Tapered Blender (B06) ~ Spectrum Collections (Siren Set)
- Fluffy Pencil (A12)* ~ Spectrum Collections (Marbleous Set)
- Large Fluffy Shader (A06) ~ Spectrum Collections (Siren Set)
- Glossy Liner Neve Cosmetics *discontinued*
- Lip Liner (A15)* ~ Spectrum Collections (Bombshell Set)

Hope you liked this look ♥
Check all the other Eeveelutions inspired looks!


{Coming up: Umbreon}

Mermaid kisses and starfish wishes
*Disclaimer: Starred products are press samples, sent by respective brands for me to test and review.

6 commenti:

  1. Una delle mie evoluzioni preferite se non la mia preferita in assoluto, ma ho un debole per il tipo Psico, che posso farci. L'hai fatto in modo magnifico, non poteva venirti meglio.

    1. Grazie Sue! Io devo dire non impazzisco per il tipo Psico (i miei preferiti sono Acqua, Fuoco, Fata/Folletto - ma Espeon è sicuramente uno dei miei preferiti tra i Pokémon Psico! *___*

  2. Che carino questo look! Mi spiace di non averli commentati tutti... ma questo credo che sia uno dei più calzanti! Brava Ariel! :D

    1. Grazie tesoro *__*
      ...E ancora non li hai visti tutti XDDD

  3. Sono incantata dall'angolo interno, hai realizzato un piccolo capolavoro! L'eyeliner poi sta benissimo con quanto hai utilizzato sulla palpebra mobile!

    1. Grazie Linda! Dal vivo il disegno nell'angolo interno era molto più visibile, ricordava perfettamente i ciuffetti di pelliccia laterali - però sono contenta che si riesca a cogliere anche in foto :D


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