domenica 30 luglio 2017

♕ Make Up Look ~ Aurora Borealis 2.0 ♕

Let's get back on track with my pre-Freedomination looks - don't worry, more makeup featuring the new NABLA collection are coming up very soon, but meanwhile I need to catch up with the ones I made previously! (Although I'll be saving a couple of them for September!)

Today's look is quite elaborate (not gonna lie, it gave me a hard time) and it's inspired by an arm-makeup (aka eyelooks 100% designed on arms or hands) by Gabrielle Alexis ~ @gabxxrielle. Keep reading to see her original work!

lunedì 24 luglio 2017

♕ The Mermaid Series ~ Free as a Mermaid ♕
{Feat. Nabla Cosmetics ~ Freedomination Collection}

Now that I've posted both part 1 and part 2 of my Freedomination overview, I can show you the looks I'm creating with this lovely collection. (Mind you, I have some previous looks I haven't posted yet, so I'll just alternate them in order to maintain my schedule!)

Today's look is inspired by MrDanielMakeUp (i.e. NABLA's art director), who created this makeup for the Freedomination Collection launch! I really loved the colour combination and I felt the urge to try it *__*
It gave me strong mermaid vibes (just likepart of the collection already did) so I named my version (which is slightly different from his) Free as a Mermaid. 
I think it fits, since mermaids represent, among other things, freedom (of life)... And this collection is all about freedom, right? ;D

venerdì 21 luglio 2017

♕ Nabla Cosmetics ~ Freedomination Collection Part 2: Eyeshadows & Liners ♕
{Overview, Swatches & Comparisons}

{Disclaimer: this post is an overview about a collection I got for free as press sample. I'd like to thank NABLA Cosmetics for the opportunity, anyway my evaluation policy doesn't change and is always based on real use and in-depth testing of the product(s)}

Last week NABLA Cosmetics, on time like every year, launched their summer collection: Freedomination, which is the biggest collection they ever released so far. 
It consists of 10 eyeshadows4 Diva Crime lipsticks (featuring a new, limited edition packaging), 2 Dreamy Matte Liquid Lipsticks (introducing the new metal finish),  2 Dazzle Liners2 Blossom Blushes2 Shade&Glow (one highlighter and one bronzer) and two limited edition Liberty palettes.

After showing you lipsticks and face products (here), it's time to show you the eye products: all (well, almost all) the new eyeshadows and the eyeliners
Ready, set... splash!

lunedì 17 luglio 2017

♕ Make Up Look ~ Sea Goddess ♕
{Feat. Nabla Cosmetics ~ Freedomination Collection}

Here's my first look I've done using the new Freedomination collection by NABLA Cosmetics! I'm glad I finally get to show you some of the eyeshadows in action, and also get to tell you my first impressions!
I'm still working on part 2 of my collection overview - part 1 is here. I was supposed to spend yesterday's morning doing swatches and taking pics, but it rained. It poured down like crazy, so I couldn't shot one single picture -.-' Mind you, I love rain, just not when I need to take pictures for blogging reasons! ^^"

Anyway, back to today's makeup. The eyeshadows featured in here are Virgin Island, Blue Velvet, New Heaven. Special guests are Obsexed, used as inner corner highlighter, and the two new Dazzle Liners - Purity and Crystal.

giovedì 13 luglio 2017

♕ Nabla Cosmetics ~ Freedomination Collection Part 1: Lipsticks & Face Powders ♕
{Overview & Swatches}

{Disclaimer: this post is an overview about a collection I got for free as press sample. I'd like to thank NABLA Cosmetics for the opportunity, anyway my evaluation policy doesn't change and is always based on real use and in-depth testing of the product(s)}

Yesterday was the big day: the new summer collection by NABLA Cosmetics, Freedomination, officially launched! I had the great pleasure of receiving almost all the new products as a preview a few days ago - if you follow me on Instagram you surely know that already! - and I've been working on the overview post since then, testing the products meanwhile.

This collection is hugeincludes 10 eyeshadows4 Diva Crime lipsticks (featuring a new, limited edition packaging), 2 Dreamy Matte Liquid Lipsticks (introducing the new metal finish),  2 Dazzle Liners2 Blossom Blushes2 Shade&Glow (one highlighter and one bronzer) and two limited edition Liberty palettes - introducing the new Liberty Four, along with the well-known Liberty Six. Various bundles are available (although some are already sold out!).
It's the biggest NABLA collection ever released so far - and I soon realized that doing one single post would be a little problematic. You know how I deal with overviews: I try to the describe the products in depth, sharing my thoughts and considerations, adding tons of pictures, swatches and comparisons. This usually results in really long post - but this time I anticipated the overview to be crazily long.

So I decided to split the overview in two parts: one dedicated to eyeshadows and liners, one to face products (such as blush, highlighter and brozer) and all the lipsticks. I also decided to do so because I feel like this collection is kind of divided in two - like if the eye products made a collection on their own, same for the face & lip products.
I originally planned to post the eyeshadows' part first, but some unforeseen difficulty occurred and I had to postpone it - so today I'm going to show you what was supposed to be part two: face powders & lipsticks.

martedì 4 luglio 2017

♕ Make Up Look ~ Life is the Bubbles! ♕

Instagram is the biggest resource to discover new styles, techniques, trends. I love trying them, both to challenge myself and improve my skills.
Today's look features the bubble/circles 'technique', were circles are usually obtained by using straws or pen caps. I used the latter, two different pen caps for the bigger circles, but I preferred to hand-draw the smaller one and the dots... Way easier that search the house for smaller caps XDDD I want to try this technique again, I want to try and hand-draw all the circles - both smaller and bigger ones. I mean, if I could draw the smallest ones I might able to draw the bigger ones too! (Challenge with myself accepted XD)

sabato 1 luglio 2017

♕ Make Up Look ~ Piraña ♕

Yes, you read correctly. Piraña. This look was inspired by piraña fishes - it was a themed challenge on Instagram, where every once in a while an artist (Sleepologist, in case you're wondering!) chooses a theme and everyone who wants to join has to do an inspired look based on that theme.

Must say, I was happy that she chose such an unusual fish! Also, pirañas are beautiful fishes - dangerous, yes, but pretty somehow. I've never thought about doing a makeup look inspired by these kind of fish, so the theme really challenged me and I decided to give it a try.

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